How We Can Help

If given the opportunity to work at TBWA we would serve best as members of the creative department. Aside from meshing with the vibe and style of the organization, we feel that TBWA and ourselves share a similar outlook on how advertising should approach the world. TBWA is not an idealist and foolishly optimistic environment, but rather a sternly honest and poignant agency that provides insightful creativity to its global customer-base.

Both of us (Hillary and Amanda) are graduating from Marist College with degrees in Communication with concentrations in Radio/Tv/Film and Advertising.  Each of us is educated in traditional advertising, but knows how to put a creative spin on a project. The Amanda/Hillary duo has experience with filming, editing, choreography, directing, acting, media planning, strategy development, copy writing and casting. Along with having the professional skills needed to work with TBWA we also have the team-oriented mind set to work in the fast, intense and renown collaborative environment at TBWA. Both of us have played Division II Women’s Rugby for three years, working with 30 other girls to bring our team into national rankings. We are both physically and mentally able to push ourselves to extraordinary levels of achievement, and anyone who has watched a rugby game knows that this is not just another bullet on our resume, but rather tremendous proof that we have the heart it takes to give everything for the wellbeing of our team. The Amanda/Hillary pairing is an entity that can easily be introduced to any number of other team members and will thrive and produce quality collaborative work.
  Amanda has studied abroad in London, England and Hillary has studied for four months in Aix-en-Provence, France. Therefore, if either of us were to work for a global organization, such as TBWA, our knowledge of the world would be much richer than another, less worldly creative applicant. TBWA has offices in both France and England and it would be an honor and a pleasure for either of us to return to our respective destinations and comfortably contribute to the TBWA teams overseas.
Hillary has extensive experience with the theatrical world, having done everything from produce a large musical production to direct to organizing and developing publicity concepts for the Marist Theatre Program. Amanda brings her professional experience from working with Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson where she implemented, developed and led the improved Girl Scout program. Amanda revamped the entire program with her innovative concepts and creative fresh look on an old fashioned organization. The leadership we have shown we possess in our college careers is the same type of leadership and dedication that TBWA has asked for in its mission statement.
The Amanda/Hillary team is the perfect match for the creative team at TBWA. Not only are we creative and unique team players, but we have the world experience and education to back up our creativity. We are leaders and diligent workers, everything TBWA could possibly ask for from new members of its creative team.